15 Church Street
Carmel, NY 10512
Phone: (845) 225-2144

Senior Living

  Rosary Hill Nursing Home
Category: Nursing Home

600 Linda Avenue
Hawthorne NY
Phone: (914) 769-0114
Fax: (914) 769-3916
Website: http://www.rosaryhillhome.org
Rosary Hill is a 72-bed skilled nursing facility operated by the Dominican Sisters of Hawthorne. The Home is dedicated to providing palliative care to persons afflicted with incurable cancer. It is open to all who meet the Admissions Qualifications. There is no discrimination on the basis of race, creed, color, national origin, sex, blindness or handicap.

Rosary Hill is a free home for persons who cannot afford to pay for care. No payment of any kind is accepted from patients or their families, nor from the government.

In accordance with their Rule, the Sisters place their trust in the loving providence of God. That trust has never failed. Donations large and small, from groups and individuals, have provided the necessary funds to support the work.

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